Monday, 19 May 2014

Books by the Rev. Roberts

The Rev. Aelwyn Roberts began authoring books on retirement as an Anglican Priest when he was 70. Since then more than 12 books have been published most of which have sold worldwide.
Among these are:
Holy Ghostbuster
Yesterdays People
Quiver: of Spirits and Poltergeists
Operation Woolsack
Privies of Wales

Aelwyn has a 50 year track record in radio and television broadcasting including appearences with Sir David Frost and various US radio hosts.

The Rev. Roberts was ordained as priest at the beginning of World War Two and shortly afterwards became involved in the curiosity of the Anglican Church into the business of 'ghosts'. In the 1960s he was appointed 'Priest with Special Responsibilities'... meaning: Ghostbuster.

Aelwyn lives in Bangor (North Wales) from where he still publishes books and enjoys family life as Great Grandfather to a new brood of ghostbusting devotees.

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